Wednesday 13 October 2010

Work Work More Mage Knight Apocalsyse and more work!(Blog Ep 1)

Hey everyone TGA here

Well here is this weeks Blog! 

So I've had a productive day pretty much, spent most of it saving the latest Let's Play footage into full lengh videos, getting to the next part in a game I've played for most of this week and so forth

I cant exactly say when this finished Let's Play will be up as there is quite a line building up now. However it should be up in the near future

as for Recording this week I don't think I can since I'm off to a friends party heh Hell even LPers need a break 

As for the game I spent most of this week playing, it's known as "Mage Knight Apocalypse" released in 2006 by Bandai Namco Games if you haven't heard of it read below!

I got it from the second hand shop for like...a pound and it's actually quite good! needs some work but its good!  it's a click and hold, hack n slash RPG, and based on the "Mage Knight" world which I think is a board game or a pen and paper RPG? not fully sure will properly look it up after writing today's blog but anyway.

its got your well known races Dwarves, Humans, Trolls, Orcs and so forth plus the interesting dragon-like creatures known as the Draconum, (please correct me if I misspelled it) each with there own back story which to be honest, isn't exactly that interesting nor is the main story line "the world is going to end because of a big ass dragon only five heroes can defeat" yadda yadda, but the game has some good points as well as some more bad ones heh.

The Chapters themselves are not that long a couple of hours maybe? 2 or 3 on each chapter which isn't too demanding really I'm cool with that (can't go that much into detail without spoiling the whole plot!)

I will admit I do like how the game looks graphic wise, and the cutscenes as well for 2006 its VERY good I think  the voice actors they picked for each character are good as well only a few bits of the game ain't voiced which is a bit of a bonus really I quite like the Dragonkind one and Nerco/Vampire one and the dwarf is just a witty barrel of laughs :P

Combat system is very straight forward click on a skill you wish to use and either right click or left click, it's not that hard. however combat can glitch at times, there are some points at the game when your fighting something and then "No Line Of Sight" line will appear, even when the thing your fighting is directly IN FRONT of you....quite silly honestly but its rare so...yeah it shouldn't annoy you too much.

The party you collect in game is quite a intresting mixture, a Necromancer/Vampire, Paladin, Amazon, Mage, and a Dwarf with either Grenades or Guns (also armed with a good sense of humor! :P) you really have little choice over all.  you play as one of those classes and the rest are party members very little customizing there however there is the most strangest system I've ever come across which offers a VERY limited amount of flexibility to the party.  Each class has 3 skill trees for example the Mage has the ability to command either Fire, Earth, Water. but if you have the Mage as a party member you get to choose which tree they use, but you can't change it after that so pick carefully, its quite annoying if you pick the wrong one as I well and truly know  so save before you pick incase you don't like the choice you made (so your not stuck with it.)  it's the strangest system I've ever come across yet

you can't control the party directly which is a little annoying but it does have a basic command menu "follow", "Attack" and "Stop" often you will be using the Follow command because your party members can glitch and stay still or just not follow you for whatever reason which isn't helpful in a boss fight. You also can't edit there inventories but there weapon and armor upgrades when you upgrade yours

I will admit I do like how your Character and party members look however, okay with the Vampire/Necromancer and Amazon you can't expect a lot of clothing :P (bonus wink wink ;) :P) they all look rather good, the armor you buy effects how well they look yes but I did quite like how all of them look
                                                         here is a example (picture below)

the shop and inventory systems are quite...strange the shops are well... simply shops! you click on what you want to buy and click buy if you want to sell just drag the item you wish to sell from your backpack into the shop window doesn't matter where really and then click sell it basic stuff. But the inventory annoys out of everything so far, if you get two of the same items....they don't  stack and you fill your backpack rather quickly which forces you to go and make regular stops (more then you should) at the town shop... RAGE I honesty hate doing that also.your not given enough space for the amount of loot you get from each chapter ugh..

The game itself  works on pretty much anything, hell I managed to get it to run on my old laptop. But it isn't the most stablest  of all games  quite a few times its crashed because they are too many things for the game to load there isnt many places where this will happen but it can be quite annoying so save before going into new areas but the crashes just might be my PC if anyone else has got it do let me know if this error happens to you and know a fix? 

Like I said earlier it isn't a bad game its just needs tweaking and fixing there properly is a good chance of me Let's Playing this but it depends honestly
I do suggest you try it however I got it second hand for a pound  in the town I live in so you should be able to find it at any second hand game shop (my towns one is called "CEX" Computer Exchange something.. :P)

Thats all today folks I just wrote what I thought about that game properly won't happen often but who knows heh.

"Peace Off"

TheGamesArchive (Tim)