Thursday 21 October 2010

Crysis Warhead

So I been playing a game  I LPed on TheGamesArchive and well I still remember the good and bad points of it,

yes in case you didn't guess it.. its Crysis Warhead the...other side of events during Crysis (the first game)

Let me start off its one of the most greatest games I played graphic wise and it has one hell of a story to it, however it did has some bad points :/

the story takes places after Nomad and Psycho split up to do other tasks (you play as Psycho) before the mission starts there are small audio clips hinting to Psychos training and a incident  that took place there

you start by surviving a crash landing into heavy fire you need to escape and carry out a mission from command, after escaping  you come across this strange creature.... it will fires a EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) which knocks Psycho out for a little bit...after a while he wake up to find that creature gone, taken by a KPA chopper but  for now you are told to follow orders and destroy a KPA base with the help of Psychos old friend and training partner O'Neil who was cause of the incident during training.(that is in one of the audio tapes) after destroying the KPA base O'Neil is shot down and its Psychos job to collect his "Black box" which contains information on the object that knocked Psycho out.

I'm not going to tell any more of the story as I want you to find out for yourself

Gameplay is a first person style and  you do get help from other marines marines and  nanosuit teams stationed on the island but that isnt the start of it all,  the main feature is the nanosuit you use it lets you fit your gaming style around it  for example you could be one for going up close and personal then the Armor power would be great for you! there are quite a few suit choices to so experimenting doesn't go a miss

there are quite a few good weapons from the first Crysis included such as the Gauss gun and the SCAR not to mention the KPA weapons as well however some weapons from Crysis ain't in Warhead but it works the other way around too..  Warhead has a few new weapons  which isn't in Crysis one of these weapons is a one handed submachine gun which can be dual wielded it also makes a good fall back weapon and a room clearer  the rest you can find in game but the best one doesn't come till the end which is like the first Crysis heh

 even with great games there are problems in this case the AI... now it was not as bad a the first Crysis but its still bad, KPA sometimes run about like headless chickens Hell I walked into one while cloaked and he didn't even flinch! I just picked up him and threw him into the sea.... then someone noticed but still The KPA have quite bad AI but I do like is the Alien ones you meet later in the game  they are quite clever and get behind you a lot of the time to fire they icey....spikes

you do see some other vehicles aside from the amazing VTOL and tanks and trucks you get this armored car with has a mini gun (or in some cases a armor piecing gun) to mow down other KPA but they are deadly when they have them...small arms fire doesn't really do much so missiles and explosives all the way though sneaking past them doesn't hurt

over all one of the good games I got here :P do play it!  its worth it all

cheers folks take care!

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